NASA announced yesterday that their Kepler mission has discovered the first Earth-sized planets orbiting a sun-like star outside of our solar system. Could this mean aliens? Unfortunately, no. The two ...
This week's AON is brief, but there's plenty to see. Without adieu, here's the news: Through March 2012—The Garradd comet shines in the sky! Here's how to observe it! December 21, 2011—The moon is at ...
Astronomy World will be posting a weekly blog post that informs fellow observers upcoming interesting events in the sky. These will include: Moon phases—It can be fun observing different phases of the ...
For newbies to astronomy, expensive equipment is an understandable deterrent. But with some thorough Google searching, you can find plenty of How-To's for making your own tools for less. Below are a f ...
From Astronomy Picture of the Day, Milky Way Over Abandoned Kilns by Tom McEwan. McEwan shot some historic kilns in rural Nevada, stitching together a panoramic "digital conglomerate of five separate ...
Explore the night sky on your iOS device, or better yet, in the third dimension on a 3D TV. More information here and here. ...
This week's AON is pretty short, but there are also lots of clouds because it is winter. However, that just makes the few days of open sky way more valuable! Remember, the Geminid Meteor shower is goi ...
If you haven't seen one, a comet is one of the most spectacular astronomical objects in the sky, partially because it is so close to Earth. At the closest, it is only 1.3 a.u. (194,477,400 kilometers ...